Thursday, February 25, 2010

First Posting

I'm taking the plunge and starting a blog. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't want to flatter myself into thinking that I will have a large readership, but family and friends seem to think my life is worth following so why not complete strangers? And, yeah! Right now my life is pretty kick-ass (can you say ass in a blog?) so why not document it, right?

So. Blog post numero uno. What to talk about? Well, how about I kick this thang off with a picture of a shawl that my friend Denise made with some of BFL (that's Blue Faced Leicester) that I hand-spun on my Ladybug spinning wheel. I think Rachel, from the Portland Fiber
Arts Gallery dyed this roving. Look at those colors! Yum yum! If you're a spinner, check out PortFiber on Etsy. They've got some lovely fiber!

Anywho, when I first moved down to Columbia, I joined a knitting group that meets on Wednesdays and Saturdays. One Saturday morning, I'm spinning at Savage Mills wi
th some lovely ladies and this woman, Denise comes up to me with a lovely, bulky, beige button up sweater and asks, "Could you try this on for me?" Of course I obliged! Who wouldn't want to dive their arms into loveliness? And OH, it was sooo nice. I asked, "Could I get the pattern for this?" And she said, "That was the right response, you can have it!" WHHHAAAT?! Yeah. She GAVE it to me! So, it was only right that I make something for her! Some hand-spun was just the ticket. And it looks great on her!